Tine Kindermann is a singer and musical saw player. One of her main projects is a program of German folk songs, released under the title “schamlos schön” (“shamelessly beautiful”) in 2008 by Oriente Musik OHG, and available for download on Amazon.
“Villa Delirium”, a New York-based quintet playing mostly original new folk music, was founded by Kindermann and John Kruth and includes Doug Wieselman, Kenny Margolis and Steven Bear.
Villa Delirium’s self-titled debut album is available on CD and can be ordered by contacting the artist.
Reviews of “schamlos schön”
” ‘Schamlos schön’ is … certainly one of the best CDs of German folk music that has ever been produced.”
— Roland Altenburger aka Orsin, “Orsinos Lied”, Radio Querfunk
“One of the best collections of songs I’ve heard in a long time.”
— Iggy Pop
“Tine Kindermann sings these songs with complete sincerity; songs of desperate lovers, of royal children, of the passing nature of the little flower and the hard dreams of dying. Spaces open therein like the ones we entered as children, when we listened, entranced, to the fairy tales woven from the same cloth.”
— Tanja Langer
“Tine Kindermann hat den Schlüssel zu Liedern gefunden, die viele nur noch aus der Schule oder von Großmutter kennen. Schamlos schön!”
“Tine Kindermann has found the key to songs that many only remember from school or their grandmother. Shamelessly beautiful!”
— Jonathan Scheiner, Jüdische Allgemeine Nr. 42/08